Sunday, 15 December 2013

10 Common Symptoms of Heart attack

The ten most common symptoms of a heart attack are as follows:

1. Chest Pain and/or Pressure: The chest pain or pressure associated with a heart attack is called angina, and it's the most common symptom. Unfortunately for long-term survival, angina is usually much milder than people think, and this delays them from seeking attention.

2. Fatigue : Fatigue is a common heart attack symptom. It's also one of the trickiest considering that most people feel fatigued at least occasionally. The key to recognizing fatigue as a sign of a heart attack is when it occurs without explanation and in combination with other symptoms like chest or jaw pain.

3. Indigestion: Indigestion is a lesser-known heart attack symptom. And like fatigue, it can be a confusing one. This is because indigestion is caused by a variety of different conditions, including ulcers, gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), cancer, or certain pancreatic conditions.

4. Jaw Pain: Most people don't associate jaw pain with cardiovascular trouble, but it's actually one of the telltale signs of heart attack, especially in the lower jaw.

5. Dizziness: Often a heart attack begins with a feeling of dizziness. During a heart attack, blood flow to the brain is restricted. This causes dizziness or lightheadedness, which may be accompanied by feelings of euphoria and/or disorientation.

6. Sweatiness: One of the most common heart attack symptoms is sweatiness, often accompanied by clammy palms.

7. Upper Body Discomfort: Pain in one, either or both arms is indeed a sign that you could be having a heart attack. You could also experience pain in one or both shoulders or back.

8. Shortness of Breath: Shortness of breath isn't just associated with lung activity; it could also be a sign that your heart is calling for help. Experiencing "shortness of breath" can mean several things in terms of how it feels -- it could mean you find yourself struggling to breathe.

9. Racing Heart : When your pulse speeds up, it's an obvious indicator that your heart is working overtime. Your pulse reflects your heart's pumping speed.

10. Intense Anxiety: Like most other symptoms on this list, it's seldom cut-and-dried when you feel causeless anxiety -- it's sometimes a sign your heart is in trouble. It can also mean you have an anxiety disorder.

How do you know it’s a Heart Attack?

A heart attack happens when arteries get completely blocked and the heart is deprived of oxygen because blood can't get through the blockage. When the heart is deprived of oxygen, its cells start to die. The chest pain that most people associate with heart attacks is the heart's way of calling out for help when it starts dying. Most heart attacks aren't as dramatically painful as the movies suggest. The symptoms of a heart attack are varied, and can be mild and take weeks to manifest. Chest pain is the most common sign, but 16 percent of heart attack sufferers don't experience that at all. Women are much less likely to have chest pain before a heart attack and more likely to experience symptoms (like fatigue) that could be mistaken for some other ailment.

With so are many different warning signs, it's not easy to know whether a symptom like nausea or a racing heart is signalling a heart attack. In most cases, though, and especially if you have several risk factors for heart attack, it's better to call for professional help as soon as possible. The sooner you get treatment, the better the chance of survival. You should never wait more than five minutes if you think you might be having a heart attack.

In our next blog we shall be discussing some common symptoms of a heart attack.

Heart Care Tips – (2)

Welcome back. Let us continue with how to take care of our Heart.

We have discussed two very important tips – Eat Less Carbs and Stop Smoking.

The next tips are:

Exercise: All you need is 20 to 30 minutes of exercise that keeps your heart at 60% to 70% of your maximum heart beat rate. Please note walking fast is helpful, not taking a stroll. The best thing is to jog or even run. Interval training has a number of benefits. This is one of the most simplest and powerful things one can do to keep the heart healthy.

Reduce Stress: More and more evidence suggests a relationship between the risk of cardiovascular disease and environmental and psychosocial factors. These factors include job strain, relationship issues and social isolation. Acute and chronic stress may affect factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, smoking, physical inactivity and overeating. Try to consciously observe when you are getting stressed and take steps to relax yourself. Depression is an established risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease(CHD).

Regular Checkups: Based on your family history, age and lifestyle, you may have to take additional care and frequent check-ups for your heart. Ask your doctor to check your cholesterol levels, to ensure that there is the right balance between LDL and HDL levels. Also have your blood pressure checked regularly.

Heart Care Tips – (1)

As we have discussed several times the heart is a muscular organ responsible for pumping blood through the blood vessels by repeated, rhythmic contractions. Taking specific steps to care for your heart can prolong your lifetime by decades.
What one can do is take care of their diet, exercise, smoking, stress and regular tests. Here are five simple heart care tips you can easily follow starting today.
Eat Less Carbs: A diet high in carbohydrates contributes significantly to heart disease. Research has found out precisely, how cornflakes, white bread, french fries and similar foods containing high amounts of carbohydrates aggravate the probability of a heart disease. Arterial stress was observed in people who consumed foods with a high glycemic index such as cornflakes, sugar and french fries. It was discovered that foods having a high glycemic index made the bronchial arteries swell for many hours.

Stop Smoking: Smoking is a major cause of heart disease. The American Heart Association has named cigarette smoking as the most dangerous of the modifiable risk factors. Overall, smokers experience a 70% greater death rate from heart and blood vessel disease than nonsmokers. Heavy smokers (twenty or more cigarettes per day) have a death rate two to three times greater than nonsmokers.

For More information look for our next blog
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